Il cascade e' un parametro
usato dall'algoritmo di OpenCV
e specificato dentro il facedetect.c.
Il file a cui fa riferimento il parametro e' un insieme di dati
basati su immagini campione.
Per i nostri test abbiamo usato i file cascade linkati in basso.


Camshift e' una funzione di OpenCV
che traccia il movimento di un oggetto per seguirlo;
questo algoritmo usa i colori.
Questo codice riunisce le funzioni di camshift e cascade per riconoscere
e tracciare le facce:

#include "camshifting.h"

/* Create a camshift tracked object from a region in image. */
TrackedObj* create_tracked_object (IplImage* image, CvRect* region) {
TrackedObj* obj;

//allocate memory for tracked object struct
if((obj = malloc(sizeof *obj)) != NULL) {
//create-image: size(w,h), bit depth, channels
obj->hsv = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(image), 8, 3);
obj->mask = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(image), 8, 1);
obj->hue = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(image), 8, 1);
obj->prob = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(image), 8, 1);

int hist_bins = 30; //number of histogram bins
float hist_range[] = {0,180}; //histogram range
float* range = hist_range;
obj->hist = cvCreateHist(1, //number of hist dimensions
&hist_bins, //array of dimension sizes
CV_HIST_ARRAY, //representation format
&range, //array of ranges for bins
1); //uniformity flag

//create a new hue image
update_hue_image(image, obj);

float max_val = 0.f;

//create a histogram representation for the face
cvSetImageROI(obj->hue, *region);
cvSetImageROI(obj->mask, *region);
cvCalcHist(&obj->hue, obj->hist, 0, obj->mask);
cvGetMinMaxHistValue(obj->hist, 0, &max_val, 0, 0 );
cvConvertScale(obj->hist->bins, obj->hist->bins,
max_val ? 255.0/max_val : 0, 0);

//store the previous face location
obj->prev_rect = *region;

return obj;

/* Release resources from tracked object. */
void destroy_tracked_object (TrackedObj* obj) {


/* Given an image and tracked object, return box position. */
CvBox2D camshift_track_face (IplImage* image, TrackedObj* obj) {
CvConnectedComp components;

//create a new hue image
update_hue_image(image, obj);

//create a probability image based on the face histogram
cvCalcBackProject(&obj->hue, obj->prob, obj->hist);
cvAnd(obj->prob, obj->mask, obj->prob, 0);

//use CamShift to find the center of the new face probability
cvCamShift(obj->prob, obj->prev_rect,
cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_EPS | CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 10, 1),
&components, &obj->curr_box);

//update face location and angle
obj->prev_rect = components.rect;
obj->curr_box.angle = -obj->curr_box.angle;

return obj->curr_box;

void update_hue_image (const IplImage* image, TrackedObj* obj) {
//limits for calculating hue
int vmin = 65, vmax = 256, smin = 55;

//convert to HSV color model
cvCvtColor(image, obj->hsv, CV_BGR2HSV);

//mask out-of-range values
cvInRangeS(obj->hsv, //source
cvScalar(0, smin, MIN(vmin, vmax), 0), //lower bound
cvScalar(180, 256, MAX(vmin, vmax) ,0), //upper bound
obj->mask); //destination

//extract the hue channel, split: src, dest channels
cvSplit(obj->hsv, obj->hue, 0, 0, 0 );